Over 450 million documents in Mikrocop's cloud services

Paperless business has already become a reality for our customers. We now store over 450 million documents in Mikrocop's certified cloud services. If not long ago we digitized most of this documentation in our service centers, today our customers mostly transfer it to electronic storage through integrations with various business systems themselves.


The digitalization of business is an urgently needed step for a stable future and long-term success. At the same time, compliant and legally valid e-storage is seemingly placed in the background, but only until organizations face the risks of inadequate storage.

Why do the biggest and the best trust us?In its cloud electronic storage services, Mikrocop ensures constant access to information to authorized persons, fast and uninterrupted use throughout the storage period, authenticity and integrity of information, and full traceability of access. This ensures the long-term legal validity of the documentation, protects business confidential information and prevents unauthorized access to personal data.